Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you break up with someone a day after Valentines Day?

I've been going out with my boyfriend for two months. I can tell that he is into other girls, and I know I'm into other guys. We're totally different and we never get to hang out outside of school, because of my dad. Today is Valentine's Day and I couldn't bring myself to break up with him today, but if I don't break up with him soon, things will get worse. And he'll be hurt more.How do you break up with someone a day after Valentines Day?
Just sit down with him and say hey look we need to talk. and explain to him that you have noticed him looking at other girls and so on and so forth and tell him that you think that you two should break up now before things get bad and that you can salvage a friendship out of the relationship.How do you break up with someone a day after Valentines Day?
I think the best thing to do would be to tell him those things you just told us.
Sounds like he may be thinking the same thing you are. or maybe he's not as thinking it's as serious as you are. I was in the same situation a few years ago. I opted to break up before Valentines day because I thought that the fact that we spent Valentines day together would mean that we were ';Serious'; which I wasn't. I just didn't want to lead her on.

But I would not do it on Feb 15th at 12:01 am, I'd wait til the next phone call, or whatever. Like i said.. if he's still looking around, he may not be so hurt... he may feel the saem.
Be honest with him and tell him how your feeling. Better to let go of the relationship now than to wait and cause more hurt to either of you in the long run. You'll end up resenting eachother. If you do it now, you can walk away with a friendship if nothing else.

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