Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you break up with someone who REALLY likes you, but you don't really feel the same?

I'm trying to avoid completely crushing his heart, and I'm kind of new to the whole, relationship thing.How do you break up with someone who REALLY likes you, but you don't really feel the same?
You acknowledge that his feelings matter. Something like, ';I know you really care for me, and in a perfect world, I'd feel exactly the same way about you and everything would be wonderful. But this isn't a perfect world. I like you. I really do. But I don't feel the way you do, and it's not fair or right for me to keep you hanging on when I'm sure that's not going to change. You're a good guy, and you deserve better, someone who feels the same way about you. If we stay together, you won't be free to spend time with other girls and find that--and neither will I, because we both deserve that, don't you think? So I think we should stay friends, because we like each other that way for sure, but see other people, hoping we can both find someone who likes us back that special way.';

Or words to that effect. Yes, he'll be hurt, but setting him free so he can find someone who's a better fit, because you want him to be happy in the long run, is always the right thing to do.How do you break up with someone who REALLY likes you, but you don't really feel the same?
One way or another you're going to hurt him, there's no getting around it
just whatever you do, do it quick. if you wait awhile his feelings for you will only grow.

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