He controls every aspect of my life, I cant have friends or anything. He doesn't like to talk about his life and he is very secretive about his personal belongings. He can look through my phone, my computer, my wallet but all his stuff is password-protected. Ive been with him 6 months and im ready to get out! I just don't know how to do itHow do you break up with someone controlling?
Just tell him that it isn't working out and be prepared to get a restraining order.How do you break up with someone controlling?
Sorry to say but this definitely does not sound like a healthy relationship. If he is checking your phone, and being suspicious of you, chances are great that he is hiding something (like another relationship which would explain all his stuff being password protected). Throw him the same ball. Tell him if he can look through your stuff, so can you. If not, then he can't look at your stuff either. Tell him calmly that you don't think the relationship can work if you both didn't have equal rights. Also, tell him to give you legitimate reasons to check your stuff. If you aren't being flirty with guys and aren't getting texts from guys at 3 am in the morning, or if you aren't doing anything suspicious, he has no right to check any of your stuff. Tell him that either he stops being insecure or you are breaking up with him. Give him the right reasons I mentioned above, and he shouldn't stop you from leaving. Also, just a tip, if he is the type of guy who gets angry really easily, take a friend with you just in case when you do go to break up with him. You can let the friend sit in the car or something so you two can still be private.
Alright u need to get the hell away from him and u said uv been with him for 6 months oh hell naw i would have left him when he looked through my stuff girl look u dnt know if he's a murder or a killer and he's stuff is on lock down oh omg get OUT OF THAT HOUSE AS FAST AS U CAN U HEAR ME I MAY NOT KNOW U BUT TRUST ME I HAVE HELPED SOOO MANY PEOPLE look dnt panic around him b/c he will think something is wrong and he might hit u soo just play it off and just be like if he see's u packing just be like im spending the night at my friends house i will be back tommorw and when u get in that car u go straight to the police station you hear me u will be ok
whenever u do leave whenever u feel like u r safe write back to me soo i will feel better ok
hun thats too much. you can't be having your controling boyfriend be doing that.
ask yourself this... how long will it take you to finally snap?
talk to him before that happens.
next time you see him, take him aside and consider saying '; i don;t like how we are. you invade my privacy, i can't talk with anyone or have my own life without you knowing everything about me. your too much, your to close and i want a change.';
if you want to break it off, then tell him. '; i can't be with someone who won't let me live my own life. i can't do this anymore';... and walk away. once he knows how you feel and make it clear.
good luck!
LEAVE. Period. I hope you don't live with him, if so..try getting your own place or living with family/friends for awhile. If you're scared of what he might do when you try to leave, contact the police. If you don't live with him, it's simple...avoid ALL contact with him and as someone already stated, you might have to get a restraining. There is no ';nice'; way of leaving a relationship with someone who is that secretive and controlling.
just get the guts and say '; im tired of being treated like this. it hurts me and if u loved me you wouldnt do this to me. its not right let alone fair that u can look through my stuff and i cant look through urs. its over, end of disscussion!!!'; and if he is open for talking sit down with him and let him explain y he is doin things like that. what he is doing is more along the lines of non trusting other than controlling, but controlling is part of it.
This guy sounds like a creep. Get out NOW, and do so by just telling him you are uncomfortable and feel bad about how the relationship is going. Don't allow yourself to be negotiated into coming back to him. Say what you have to say and leave. If he tries to call, email, text, or anything ignore him. These types of guys can be dangerous and he probably isn't too far from physically hitting you. LEAVE NOW!
Just get your stuff together and leave. If you encounter him, tell him ';It's over'; and be prepared for everything - don't let him engage you in a discussion. If you have a friend left, ask for help/company while doing so.
wow..ok just tell him u cant have someone controlling ur life and u dont want to be with him...JUST TALK TO HIM ABOUT HOW U FEEL
break up with him infront of a court were there cops lol than right after your break up get a restraining order.
text him and say ';i love you but iv had enough..u are too controling,im breaking up with you..sorry';
thats all...unless you want to risk ur life and do it in person
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